Conference Speaker announced

Introducing..... Stan Doobin

BSCNZ are delighted to introduce Stan Doobin one of the Key Note speakers at the 2019 BSCNZ "Driving Success" conference to be held in September 2019

Stan Doobin is President and majority owner of Harvard Maintenance,Inc.the largest family-owned janitorial service company in the United States.
The company operates in 46 of the 50 states. Stan has been involved in the family company since 1984 and became the President and majority owner
in 1995.

Stan, a CPA, holds a Bachelor of Science from Washington & Lee University, as well as an MBA from Emory University. Stan was named
Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young in 2004. He is the Past President of World Federation of Building Service Contractors (WFBSC),
and past President of Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI).


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